Tours & Visits

Visit interesting, scenic, and awe-inspiring toy train layouts in these videos.
Brian and Riley Inch’s O gauge layout

Brian and Riley Inch’s O gauge layout

Brian and Riley Inch built a 10 x 16 layout using GarGraves track with Ross...

Art Volz’s O gauge layout

Art Volz’s O gauge layout

Name: Art Volz’s O-27 gauge layout Dimensions: 10 x 20 feet Track and switches: Lionel...

Tom Kaiser’s O gauge layout

Tom Kaiser’s O gauge layout

Name: Tom Kaiser’s O gauge layout Dimensions: 10½ x 11 feet Track: Lionel FasTrack (diameters...

Gary Wronkiewicz’s American Flyer layout

Gary Wronkiewicz’s American Flyer layout

At a glance Name: Gary Wronkiewicz’s S gauge layout Dimensions: 10 x 16 feet Track:...

Charlie Bailey’s O gauge layout

Charlie Bailey’s O gauge layout

Charlie Bailey is passionate about toy trains. He collects Standard gauge (modern reissues from Lionel...

Greg Bird O gauge layout

Greg Bird O gauge layout

I decided that the three-rail layout was going to have an industrial theme. I wanted...

Neal Mayer O gauge layout

Neal Mayer O gauge layout

In the attic of Neal Mayer's home, he has assembled a group of vignettes, each...

Jack Hedge O gauge layout

Jack Hedge O gauge layout

Jack Hedge, a lifelong O gauge enthusiast and talented layout builder, created the fictitious city...

Steve Metken’s O gauge layout

Steve Metken’s O gauge layout

Steve Metken's O gauge layout was inspired by a 1950s Lionel Display Layout. This 9...

Grand Strand Model Railroaders O gauge layout

Grand Strand Model Railroaders O gauge layout

Grand Strand Model Railroaders, based in South Carolina, built a 12' x 18' O gauge...

An autumn O gauge layout

An autumn O gauge layout

O gauge modeler Walt Urban created a medium-size three-rail empire with an autumn theme. Colorful...

Visit a modern layout with a prewar feel

Visit a modern layout with a prewar feel

Lifelong O gauge modeler Russ Boersma took his accumulated knowledge and roster of postwar and...

A visit to the Train Masters of Babylon layout

A visit to the Train Masters of Babylon layout

The Train Masters of Babylon sounds exotic, but the reality is it's just a great...

Revisit Dave Tori’s fantastic S gauge layout

Revisit Dave Tori’s fantastic S gauge layout

In this video, we revisit Dave Tori's fantastic S gauge layout. It's entertaining and calls...

A small S gauge layout with big ideas

A small S gauge layout with big ideas

A small S gauge layout can give a lot of play value. For proof, check...

Visit Lionel’s factory in the Post-war toy train boom

Visit Lionel’s factory in the Post-war toy train boom

What was it like working at Lionel's Hillside, NJ factory during the postwar electric train...

Tom Barker’s S gauge layout in action

Tom Barker’s S gauge layout in action

Tom Barker's S gauge layout is inspired by a vintage American Flyer dealer display. It...

American Flyer S gauge train display construction

American Flyer S gauge train display construction

An American Flyer S gauge train display construction video shot by Tom Barker; his layout...

Visit an amazing 4′ x 8′ O gauge layout featuring Lionel, MTH, and K-Line trains

Visit an amazing 4′ x 8′ O gauge layout featuring Lionel, MTH, and K-Line trains

John Cunius is truly the "Chairman of the Board" when it comes to his O...

Lionel’s Phantom train stars on this O gauge Halloween layout

Lionel’s Phantom train stars on this O gauge Halloween layout

Lionel's Phantom train is on the rails! We've all seen Lionel, MTH, and American Flyer...